PHP Training Course

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Why choose PHP

What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language, which is extensively designed for website development. It is also used as an all-purpose programming language as it is user-friendly and efficient. PHP is an easy program language with logical syntax and well-described command functions. This programming language is scalable and can be easily used while writing codes, creating web applications and can also be relied upon while serving several web pages.

PHP Development Suite is comprehensive and is suited for both beginners as well as advanced learners. PHP Development Suite is best suited for web developers, software engineers, system engineers, mobile app developers, freelancers and anyone looking build powerful websites with PHP.

This training program entails the fundamentals of PHP and equips the candidate with advanced PHP development tools and techniques, helps the candidate in understanding the PHP data objects as well as provides an introduction to CodeIgniter.

Module 1 : Basics and Installation

Basics of php
  • Why php and where it stands in Web environment
  • Job Scope
  • Introduction PHP and Mysql
  • PHP Installation
  • MySQL Installation
  • Apache Installation
Module 2 : Core php

Overview Of PHP
  • Static vs. Dynamic Web Sites
  • Dynamic Content from Databases
  • Developing Dynamic Internet Applications
  • Client-Side Scripting vs. Server-Side Scripting
  • Overview of PHP Advantages and Capabilities
  • Configuring PHP.INI
  • PHP vs. ASP
Basic Scripting and Looping Constructs
  • PHP Scripting Fundamentals
  • Print Statement
  • Code Blocks
  • Primitive Data Types
  • Defining Constants and Variables
  • Looping Constructs

Do… While
Exit & Break

Conditional Constructs
  • True and False Expressions
  • If, Else and Elseif
  • Switch/Case Statement
  • The ? (Ternary) Operator

Introduction to the Apache Web Server
  • Apache Configuration Files
  • Configuring Apache for PHP
  • WWW Sites within Apache
  • Apache Virtual Hosts
  • Website Properties
Arrays in PHP
  • What are Arrays?
  • Usage of Arrays in PHP
  • Array Indexing
  • Initializing Arrays
  • Operating on Arrays
  • Sorting Arrays
  • One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Associative Arrays
  • Array Functions
  • Forms and Arrays in Web Applications
PHP Functions
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Declaring Functions
  • Scope
  • Passing Arguments to Functions
  • Local and Global Scope
  • Passing Arguments to Functions by Value and Reference
  • Returning Values from a Function
  • Using Include Files
  • The Require Statement
  • Recursion
  • Dynamic Function Calls
  • Predefined PHP Functions
PHP Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Other Operators
Working with Databases and Forms
  • Configuring PHP For Database Support
  • PHP’s Database APIs
  • MySQL vs. Access
  • MySQL vs. SQL Server
  • Simple SQL Queries via PHP
  • Tracking Visitors with Session IDs
  • Populating Forms
  • Retrieving Data from Forms
Working with Data Files in PHP
  • Searching File Contents With Regular Expressions
  • Changing and Editing File Contents
  • Splitting and Joining Information Inside Files
  • String Functions
  • Regular Expression Functions
  • Reading, Writing and Deleting Files
  • Handling File Permissions
  • File Locking
  • Reading Directory Contents
  • Creating and Deleting Directories
Using Cookies with PHP
  • Purpose of Cookies
  • Cookie Myths
  • Setting Cookies
  • Retrieving Cookies
  • Expiring Cookies
  • Deleting Cookies
  • Storing Arrays in Cookies
Configuring and Using MySQL
  • MySQL as a Client/Server Solution
  • Introduction to MySQL Capabilities as a Powerful RDBMS
  • Installing and Configuring MySQL
  • Connecting to MySQL
  • PHP Functions Specific to MySQL
  • Executing SQL Calls
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Fetch
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Using PHP MyAdmin to configure MySQL
Miscellaneous PHP Tasks
  • Error Logging
  • Session Management & Maintaining State
  • Web Application Architecture
  • Using Environment Variables
  • Changing Execution by Redirecting to Other URLs
  • Embedding JavaScript within PHP
  • Using the HTTP Protocols to Pass Data
  • Showing Different Content to Different Browsers
  • Getting IP Addresses from Visitors
Domain Registration and Domain Cpanel
  • Web Hosting (Controlling Cpanel)
  • 1 Live Project


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